• Taxonomy, native origin, biological traits, etc.

  • Recipient regions, pathways, vectors, traits of recipient habitat, statuses, dates, etc.

  • Flexible multi-criteria search engine, data processing for further analysis.

  • Geographical information arrangement for Species and Introduction events.

  • Regionally harmonized early warning system concept

  • Tools for easier data overview.

About AquaNIS

AquaNIS is an information system on aquatic Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) and species of uncertain origin, which may be either native or alien, referred to as cryptogenic species. The "Species" block includes information regarding native origin, biological traits, impacts, and other relevant documented data. The "Introduction events" provide data on the first record of a species in a recipient region (defined as a country coast within a Large Marine Ecosystem), the pathway/vector of introduction, environmental conditions, species status (classified as either NIS or cryptogenic), and additional relevant data. The "Search" function allows to run sophisticated queries with several parameters, compare search results interactively, and download Excel data. “Services” and “Early Warning System” represent functional modules derived from AquaNIS data.

The system currently includes data on NIS recorded in marine, brackish and coastal freshwaters in Europe and adjacent regions, and is gradually being extended to other parts of the world. AquaNIS welcomes data providers from various regions worldwide to contribute their data to the system and utilize the platform for global data analysis.

Through constant updating and scientific validation of its data, AquaNIS aims to guarantee the database's ongoing reliability, making it useful for research and practical for management, such as for the assessments required by the IMO Ballast Water Convention, the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and other agreements.

All of the submitted data is to the best of our knowledge accurate. However, we do not accept any legal responsibility as to how the information derived from this database is interpreted or used.

The information system AquaNIS as a whole, multiple species accounts, search and data comparison results should be cited as:
  • AquaNIS, 2025. Information system on Aquatic Non-Indigenous and Cryptogenic Species. World Wide Web electronic publication. https://aquanisresearch.com. Accessed 2025-02-13.